Thank you for taking my plugin for a test drive. This is a generic readme file for my three plugs: Pincer plug, K't'inga, and Romulans. Both the K't'inga and Romulans plugins are compatible, but the Pincer plug is not compatible with either. I don't want anything in return for the use of these plugs, but if you use the graphics in your own plugin, then you need to put my name in the credits for making them. None of these plugins have any missions because I don't know how to make them.
For those interested in the process I went through to make the graphics, then here is your section:
Programs used:
Swivel 3D pro (yep, old but useful) for all 3D graphics
SuperPaint 3 (mainly for moving and sizing images)
Macromedia Director 3.1 (for sizing the sprites to the correct size and checking for flaws)
Photoshop 3.5 Trial (Heh, gotta love the lense flare and screen capture =)
Resedit (for making the darn plug)
Pics2Sprites (Making the sprites into one big picture)
Word 5.0 (for looking at the bible when I was totally confused =)
Made the 36 frames with Swivel
Made the other images with Swivel
Imported the 36 frame pics file into Director (Note: open in 8bit ONLY!)
Grunted and groan a lot while correctly sizing the sprites
Exported the sized sprites into another pics file
Used Pics2Sprites to compile the 36 images
Opened Photoshop Trial and pasted the new sprites images in
Changed the colors to 8bit using the system pallete with dithering
Took a screen capture (+shift+3)
Opened the picture in SuperPaint
Copied the converted image into a new ResEdit file
In SuperPaint:
Take the image again
Fill all black space (not the ship's black color) with white
Lasso select everything (+shift+A)
Fill with black
Rectangle select everything
Copy new image into ResEdit (this is the mask)
The rest was primarily simple to do and not worth describing
Hope that you all enjoy my plugins. I am planning to add a new fighter to the Pincer plug called the banshie. I am also trying to design a smaller version of the Pincer Assault ship. I'll tell you what I come up with later.
If you need to get in contact with me after the 20th then you can still send mail to this address, which will be forwarded to me, or you can send mail to my other e-mail account, however, this address is my business address and it is not private, but you are assured to get me by writing either of these addresses.
P.S. If anyone sees some unique ships running around in the Rosen system in my ships, please tell me. I haven't seen them yet, and I want to know if they work after all.